The overpowering pressure you get deep down within your soul, coming around that famous bend. Blazing past the 300 meter mark as you stare down that long cinder lane, grasping to find that final deep breath. You open up your stride to unleash that un-healthy thing of a kick and then that feeling comes. That feeling of complete power and strength. You are an animal! That long lost, but familiar cool spring breeze comes along your back pushing you towards that tiny line. That line that is so small, but yet means everything. As you pump those arms in a last second effort to shave milli-seconds off that damn clock. Your form is nothing less than your best, your final stride is pushing three meters, as you blaze through that line with that classic "near death" feeling that is familiar but new. Your body is to the point of collapse as you try to find any position that brings small amounts of relief. With your arms above your head trying to find those deep, grasping, hidden breaths you are rewarded with a feeling of self confidence and complete accomplishment...
This past weekend my mom, Laura, came down to Portsmouth to help clean and move to the new house. It was a lot of work, but we pushed through it. Friday after my workout we drove up to Dayton to spend the weekend with Jeremy, Kara, Dave, Aaron, Nichole, and the kids. We pretty much laid around, ate a lot of food and entertained joey and sophia. It was nice visiting with everyone and hanging out with the babies.
That is all for now.
The Dead Weather - Die by the Drop (new single from their album Sea of Cowards)
No real importance or special event to blog about, just going to update you on some things. First lets talk music. On friday MGMT's new album "Congratulations" (that is set to be released on April 12th) leaked on the web sometime in the afternoon. I quickly jumped on the opportunity to listen to the album a month early. As anticipated, it is very 70's surfy psychedelic sounding. It is growing on me and will definitley be a great cd to listen to all summer. Also, friday The Black Keys released their first single titled "Tighten up". It has the classic Black Keys feel but more catchy in the beginning with some whistles and maracas. Still very good and can't wait for the album release "Brothers" in May. Finally, The Dead Weather released their "album art" and details of their new cd titled "Sea of Cowards" that is set to come out in May.
The Dead Weather - Sea of Cowards
In other news, the distance guys had a great weekend down in North Carolina. With great weather and close to perfect conditions everyone ran out of their ass. Some big PR's were droppd and to be honest it was kinda a kick in the balls. I haven't been able to train 100% for a track season since my senior year of high school and it's extremely frustrated. With small baby steps I've been trying to get there. I ran 20.4 miles last week and 30 miles this week. I will probably go up by 5 miles every week. To be honest I would love to be able to start running 70 miles and keep that up with hopefully no pain. I kinda don't want to race any on the track becasuse my hip is still no where close to 100% and I am in no shape to race. Eric will probably make me jump in a 5k near the end of the track season.
These next four days will be the last in my apartment. I spent all weekend packing and getting ready for the big move. My mom and brother are coming down thursday to help with the move. I have been making decisions that I'm not very excited about. I threw away most of my Steve Prefontaine posters and some big Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and Jim Morrison posters. Also I'v been giving away most of my furniture and a lot of clothes because there is not much room in the house. I am starting to realize what is important to me and making that step towards "minimalist".
Well thats all I have for now.
MGMT - I Found a Whistle (one of my favorites off their new album)
Spring break has come and gown and that means there is six more weeks left of school. Over spring break I had some time to think about some of my goals for the year. Last week so my first real week back to running in 41 days. That is probably the most days I have taken off for an injury since my freshmen year of High School.
My hip is not 100%, but it's getting there. It takes about seven to ten minutes to get it loosened up during a run. Hopefully with some time in the trainers this week I'll see some improvement in that. I ran 20.4 miles total last week but struggled a lot aerobically. It's gonna take probably a month or so till I start feeling semi "In shape".
On another note, as I said before Spring break gave me a lot of free time. In that free time I had a chance to write down my 2010 goals. I will list them in order.
- Get Back Into Shape - Lift and workout 2-3 times a week - Do a full 90 day session of "modified" p90x in the summer - CONSISTENCYCONSISTENCYCONSISTENCY - 70 milers a week 8-10 weeks before camp - Brake out year in Cross - Make Varsity - Make Nationals team - Eat healthy - Good grades these last 6 weeks and in summer classes - Live by the clock - Drink black coffee - Become more minimalist "The things you own end up owning you". - Ride bike a lot in the summer - Be more money conscience - 25:45 8k Cross Country - Form Drills - Hills - Healthy lifestyle - Sleep schedule - Stretching routine - Build strength in legs and ankle dexterity
Basically all these goals can be broken up into two different category's: Running and Academics. I am more excited about training than ever before. Those 41 days off has shown me how much this sport means to me, and how I want to do everything I can to succeed. I am looking forward to these next five months or so of just pure training and getting into the shape. Hopefully there will be no more road blocks, because I'm ready to kill it!
Gogol bordello - Ultimate ( live on Henry Rollins)
After a long two years of waiting we are finally blessed with a new MGMT single from their new album Congratulations titled "Flash Delirium". It was released today to the public as a free download and album "sampler".
It is very different then their high intensity Oracular Spectacular album. The song starts of in the usual manner of MGMT. it's a mix of synth beats, a weird islamic horn for a couple seconds, followed by some scary lyrics. this is followed by an up beat very "surf/beach" rhythm that can be compared with a mix of the Doors and Beck.
This single is getting a lot of mixed feelings from the true MGMT fans and the single loving youth of today. It takes you on a scary trip and you can get caught up in the summer time beat then next thing you know your up in the sky yelling FLASHHH.
Personally I really enjoy it. I like that their focusing on trying something new instead of worrying about making the "hit" catchy singles. After about 15 times on repeat it has grown a lot on me and I am looking forward to the album thats due out on april 12th.
This past weekend I traveled to Dayton, Ohio to visit my brother Jeremy for a couple days. I got there Friday night and stayed till Monday. It was a great start to a 9 day spring break. Saturday we traveled to Germantown Metropark located South West of Dayton. We went on a nice 2+ mile hike which involved some fossil findings and exploring.
holding a tortes inside the Nature Center
Later that night we went to see Tim Burton's" Allice & Wonderland". I had pretty high expectations and was a bit let down. The story line lacked a bit of excitement. The overall design and picture was amazing though. Sunday i pretty much laid around the house playing ping pong, drinking beer and making dinner. It was nice to get out of Portsmouth for a bit.
Now I am back at my Apartment in Portsmouth. After a good three hour cleaning session today I basically laid around. The next 6 days of my break will be spent getting stuff around for the big move at the end of the month, working at Starbucks, and trying to get back to the running life. I'm really hooping that last thing goes smooth.
The XX - Islands
I don't have to leave anymore What I have is right here Spend my nights and days before Searching the world for what's right here
Underneath and unexplored Islands and cities I have looked Here I saw Something I couldn't over look
I am yours now So now I don't ever have to leave I've been found out So now I'll never explore
See what I've done That bridge is on fire Going back to where I've been I'm froze by desire No need to leave
Where would I be If this were to go under That's a risk I'd take I'm froze by desire As if a choice I'd make
I am yours now So now I don't ever have to leave I've been found out So now I'll never explore
Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival has been a big part of my summer for the past couple years. Ever since I set foot in Manchester, Tennessee two years ago I have been hooked. The months leading up to the festival can be very slow and boring, but I know when June rolls around I'm going to have the best four days of the year!
Bonnaroo is exactly 100 days away now. Since the lineup came out about a month ago I have been doing a lot of research on some of the bands that are going. I feel that if you go into the festival having a strong knowledge you will be more prepared and already know who you want to see and therefor have a more enjoyable experience.
A lot of people this year are not very happy about the initial lineup because there are a lot of "new age" bands and music acts that there not familiar with. I feel this can be a good thing. If you don't know who half of the lineup is then you can use that to your advantage. I really enjoy discovering new artist and finding out what kind of music is out there. Most of the artist I listen to came from Bonnaroo. Years ago, Bonnaroo was just a jam band festival, but over the years it has turned into something a lot bigger and better. Some of the "Roo Veterans" feel that the music festival is slipping away and becoming more "commercialized" and feel that Bonnaroo is only trying to sell a lot of tickets rather then to worry about it's roots.
I feel that it's important to sell tickets, because where would they be without ticket revenue? but there is also some respect you gotta pay and people that attend Roo expect nothing less then the best. Like I said before I love discovering new artist and Bonnaroo is the most diverse festival in the U.S.
Some of the favorites from the initial lineup that I have come to like are, Blitzen Trapper, Deadmau5, Neaon Indian, and The XX. A lot of the bands I am familiar with, but I still have a lot of research to do. in the next couple weeks they should announce the follow up lineup which will probably consist of around fifty more bands and perhaps some comedy acts. Once the semester is over I plan on really kicking ass, doing a lot more research and downloading a lot more music. Until then I can do is count down the days and hope they go by fast.
Two Gallants - Steady Rollin' (a band I discovered at Roo in 08')
You might have seen me ‘neath the pool hall lights. Well baby i go back each night. if you got a throat i got a knife. Steady rollin’ i keep goin’. I don’t mind how quick the seasons change. you know to me they’s every one the same. I seen the sunshine drip the drain. Death’s comin’. i’m still runnin’. my lovin’ lady she’s a ball-and-chain. I still can travel but my speed has changed. I bring the money. I take the blame. Steady rollin’ i keep goin’. But i shot my wife today, dropped her body in the frisco bay. I had no choice it was the only way. death’s comin’. I’m still runnin’. Out waltzing with the holy ghost, from the bowery to the barbary coast. The place i’m from you know i love the most. Steady rollin’ i keep goin’. And everyday is just another town. the more i search you know the less i’ve found. Me, i’m a sucker just a slave to sound. Death’s comin’. I’m still runnin’. Well i come from the old time baby, too late for you to save me. If i remain then i’m to blame. But if you should ever leave me, i’ll go where ‘er you lead me. Its all the same, the same old game.