Sunday, October 17, 2010

Flying High

This past week was my highest weekly milage every in my life (90 miles to be exact), and my legs, body, and mind could not be feeling any better! It started off with that famous 20x400 meter repeats at Earl Thomas Conely Park. I averaged 69 seconds per 400 meter. Wednesday, was a very calming spiritual trail 14 mile trail run out at Shawnee forest with Michael Owen. Friday was another workout at Earl Thomas Conely park. This time we ran 4 x 2k where I ran up front with Michael running an average of 6:10 per 2k, and what better way to end the week with a hard 15 miler at Hangover with Eric Putnam and Blake Jones.

You'd think that this being my first 90 mile week ever my legs and body would be tired, but to be honest I've never felt this good. I feel this tingling whenever I think about what I can do these next 36 days. My legs are ready for anything Putnam is going to throw at us, my body feels well rested and mind at ease. I have confidence in my training and fitness level and the great thing is every week I'm feeling so much more stronger! I wish this feeling will last forever...

We are running in Grand Rapids next saturday at the Great Lakes Challenge where the goal is to beat Aquanis and run strong. Personally I would like to run 25:30. Until then all I can do is believe.

35 days.


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