I’ve decided it would be best to scratch Kent State December 9th, and take my time off. I had a lot of time (more then I’d like to admit) making decisions on this upcoming spring battle on that silly oval, and could go into great detail, but I’m afraid that we would be here all night. As of now, I have a couple races in February that I’d like to do well in, and not running at Kent will allow sufficient time to do so.
I’ve put together a particularly detailed plan on mileage, workouts, strength routines and what not, which will take over my life once again, for roughly twenty-four weeks until the 2012 NAIA outdoor T & F national championships.
I am certainly enjoying my time off from aerobic work, but that feeling is starting to re-build itself once again. It’s been only five days into my break, and the sensation of dropping everything and letting loose on the roads is tingling in my legs. In this short thirteen day break, I will spend living one might call, the average college quest. Staying out late, getting rowdy at the bars, and trying to put together a some what respectable academic semester. As December 12th gets here I will once again live the life of one who balances on the edge of mental breakdown, and absolute clarity.
But, for now I must use my brain in other means, which involves paper and writing utensils. As for my goals and ambitions for this upcoming season, perhaps with the loneliness of a winter spent alone in Toledo will give me some time to type up what is in my head.
(Re-reading my favorite novel for the fifth time, I’ve come across one of the most well written literature that I truly love. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do)
“We can all be good boys and wear our letter sweaters around and get our little degrees and find some nice girl to settle, you know down, with… take up what a friend of ours calls the hearty challenges of lawn care… Or we can blaze! Become legends in our own time, strike fear in the heart of mediocre talent everywhere! We can scald dogs, put records out of reach! Make the stands gasp as we blow into an unearthly kick from the hundred yards out! We can become God’s own messengers delivering the dreaded scrolls! We can race dark Satan himself till he wheezes fiery cinders down the back straightaway! They’ll speak our names in hushed tones, ‘those guys are animals’ they’ll say! We can lay it on the line, bust a gut, show them a clean pair of heels. We can sprint the turn on a spring breeze and feel the winter leave our feet. We can, by God, let our demons loose and just wail on!”